atau lubang hitam supermasif yang memancarkan radiasi energi langsung ke Bumi Lubang hitam ini, yang massanya setara dengan 700 juta […]
Kategori: science
New cast iron pan with jet engine fins is inspired by rocket science
may potentially disrupt Le Creuset’s stronghold on the cast-iron cookware market. A new oven has been created using thermodynamics, which […]
Scientists have evidence that Adam and Eve existed
Some experts claim that existing evidence supports the notion that humans are direct ancestors of the biblical figures Adam and […]
Batu Besar Diduga Arca Ditemukan di Proyek Jalan Prambanan-Gunungkidul
Sebuah batu besar yang diyakini merupakan bagian dari candi ditemukan di proyek Jalan Tol Prambanan-Gunungkidul, di Sambirejo, Kapanewon Prambanan, Kabupaten […]
Sampah Luar Angkasa Seberat 500 Kilogram Jatuh Menghantam Desa di Kenya
JAKARTA – Pada 30 Desember 2024 atau sehari sebelum malam tahun baru 2025, sebuah desa kecil di Kenya tiba-tiba diremukkan […]
Humans may not have survived without Neanderthals
Far from triumphantly breezing out of Africa, modern humans went extinct many times before going on to populate the world, […]